16 September 2013 Carlos García Garzón
Updating the Energy Saving DB HE. CTE
The September 12, 2013 has been published in the Official Gazette Order Basic Document upgrade HE Energy Saving Technical Building Code , which was in force since its adoption in 2006 , by RD 314/2006 , of March 17 .
There are several reasons why it is done this update. On one side of the CTE regular updates according to the evolution of technology and the demands of society, is bound by the Act itself Construction Planning . Furthermore, the Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings, undertakes to establish and periodically review the minimum energy requirements of buildings, such as which sets the CTE .
The directive also requires these minimum requirements for buildings or parts thereof, to achieve optimal levels of profitability , according to a common European methodology , and also that prior to December 31, 2020 , all new buildings to have compulsory consumption nearly zero- anticipated goal two years for new buildings occupied and owned by public authorities .
In this direction , the update of the Basic Document Energy saving, DB -HE , based on the requirements established in 2006 , is the first step approach to this ambitious target ‘ buildings almost zero energy consumption ‘ before dates cited .
Not to forget that the building represents , both in Spain and in Europe , a major consumer of energy, so that a limitation of their consumption and increased use of energy from renewable sources , along with energy savings and greater efficiency energy , are an important part of the measures necessary to comply with national objectives and international commitments , such as the package of EU climate change and energy , which make up the so-called 20-20-20 target .
Thus it is clear that the greater efficiency in energy use about as durable goods such as buildings , derived from this update CTE , produce , not only short term but over the lifetime effects economic and environmental benefits , not only globally in the country , but also to the domestic economies of their own citizens , particularly in a scenario of rising energy prices .
Latest :
With regard to new HE0 Basic Document :
- Limiting the energy consumption of non-renewable primary energy intended for heating, cooling and DHW . It imposes a limit on floor space depending on the winter climate zone .
- The energy rating for energy consumption indicator of primary energy efficiency should be not less than Class B.
- Verification and justification are made according to the same calculation procedure as that for the basic document HE1 .
Regarding the Basic Document HE1 :
- Eliminates the simplified method
- Eliminates the explicit mention of Leader as a general method of verification and justification.
In the Basic Document HE3 :
- Limit values change energy efficiency of the installation ( VEEI ) zoning disappears representation and non-representation .
- A new justification : The limitation of the installed power per square meter aimed at building lighting . It publishes a table of limit values in terms of use.
- Also new is the obligation to add justification document information of the total power , total lit and W / m² Total building explanatory report .
In the Basic Document HE5 :
- Changes the quantification of the requirement , specifically the Minimum electrical power 2.2.1 where now one of the factors for calculating is fixed ( previously called B and now is 5 ) and
- Is defined estimate mechanism for energy in KW / h from the power depending on the climate zone.