


El Patrimonio histórico español, está atravesando un momento muy duro y como resultado estamos viendo todo tipo de edificios cerrados al público debido a la falta de inversión en estos edificios.

30 March 2014 Carlos García Garzón / Imagen: Scuba Beer

Italy and Spain. Heritage in Danger


Ruins of the Pompeii ruins
Landslides that has suffered in recent days the archaeological site of Pompeii , one of the most important in Italy , Italians were angered and mobilized the government, which has agreed to take a series of urgent measures to protect the site , considered heritage Site by Unesco since 1997 and receives every year visited by two million tourists.

On Sunday , the wall of a tomb located about 1.7 meters tall at the necropolis of Porta Nocera collapsed. Shortly before had collapsed part of an arc of the Temple of Venus, which was already braced . Italian media have attributed the collapse to the strong gains in recent days in the rainy region .

One such measure is the release of two million euros for regular maintenance work site.

The Spanish Historical Heritage, is going through a tough time and as a result we are seeing all kinds of public buildings closed due to lack of investment in these buildings. This of course leads to a reduction of tourists in our country.

We’re still waiting for an ” almost magical ” economic recovery to reduce the high rates of unemployment in our country , in Andalusia have surpassed the 1,000,000 unemployed .

The public sector can hardly cope with the basic and necessary expenses , such as public hospitals of Seville , and the private sector is not going through its best, or giving significant concessions as the city of Seville was made to Sacyr in the Metropol Parasol building.

Looks like it’s time to change the management of our heritage , to make them even more public in several ways:

- Schedule: Must have extended hours

- Rehabilitation and extension : We maintain the best possible aspect of our large buildings with new facilities and expand if necessary .

- New uses : We offer new shows to encourage tourists to visit our country . So you have to study building to building and see the possibility of new uses as may be theater, concerts , lodging, meals , meetings, etc. .

This investment would create jobs directly , but indirectly citizens would have a greater reward. Today, in my point of view every euro invested by public citizens, should be rewarded with contributions to the services of first necessity.

Keep Our Heritage Live # MVNP

As in the rest of Problems and Solutions , you can send us a review and possible solutions to them for publication .

Carlos García Garzón