11 November 2014

Survey services for the Gerencia fo Urbanismo of Seville

The Architect works for your particular client and for the benefit of the city as a whole. The College has always sought a balance between these interests in the city of Seville, through the Delegation of Planning and Environment. And so, the two institutions collaborate in the constant improvement of the perception of our work. Obtaining planning permission and other approvals must always guarantee safety and quality and never an obstacle or an avoidable delay.

The survey that we present today is particularly important and the result will formalize an accurate picture of the possible improvements to the procedures involved before this body do daily. Looking for efficiency and visibility of our work as architects and enhancing the experience of the citizen to the extent that our suggestions are implemented. The time you spend will be well spent as long as the public service provided by the Planning influences many cases our experienced private client.

The survey is divided into four blocks, related to the main areas of the Delegation of Urban and Environment of the City of Seville:

PART 1 Works / Urban Planning Service Licenses
BLOCK 2 Activities / Environmental Protection Service
BLOCK 3 Technical Inspection Buildings
BLOCK 4 Local Energy Agency
The set of questions seeking not only the main problems you meet, but the methods of solution and can bring improvement are proposed. The College has made some of them, and today the digital processing of files is more real than ever. We need your experience to continue to lead the necessary fluidity and effectiveness of this important procedural step.

The result of the survey, which have a completely anonymous treatment, will move to the Planning Department for information and as a basis for improving procedures.


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