20 February 2013

Results of voting at PFC Contest 2012

On Feb. 15, public voting ended at 5 projects selected by the jury of the Final Project 2012.

These ratings had a very high participation and concluded with the following results:

1. Winner (1101 votes)
Pablo Rodriguez Rodriguez. Fire Station in Arteixo. University of Corunna.
p.rguez.r @ gmail.com

2. Second Place (1,034 votes)
Luis Sierra de Hita. Circo Birdhouse in Madrid. UPM.

3. Third Place (459 votes)
Villodres Antonio Moreno. Dheca_Patios in Seoul. UEM.

4. Fourth Place (405 votes)
Mary Esther Field Rioja. 12 Chimneys in Malaga. UPM.
alriopi@gmail.com http://alriopi.tumblr.com/

5. Fifth Place (9 votes)
Alicia Casals San Miguel. Bioreact in Rotterdam. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.
a.casals.sm @ gmail.com

From TvArquitectura.com want to thank all those who have participated in this poll, to contribute to the dissemination of the PFC of the 5 young architects selected by the jury.
