9 November 2011 Redacción y fotografía: CSCAE
I Spanish Architecture Forum. CSCAE
The Superior Council of Colleges of Architects of Spain (CSCAE) has promoted the creation of Spanish Architecture Forum, a platform was created with the aim of identifying and building a space for reflection and debate among the various professional and social actors sector.
It will address important topics for architecture in order to get a closer and more strategic alignment within the Spanish architecture.
The Spanish Architecture Forum, designed as a space of the CSCAE, seeks to channel the concerns, objectives and proposals of the sector through a single voice to present them to international organizations, public authorities and society as a whole .
In its first edition and making it a priority, the CSCAE proposes the following matters:
The cultural and social dimension of architecture.
Through the spaces constructed and articulated architecture, identifying areas that occur in the lives of individuals, society and its institutions. It is through architectural values in its physical and emotional, as expressed in many respects, the qualities of living and dignity of people individually and collectively. This imposes a constraint importance to a democratic society should not give up: the architectural quality must be accessible, with its specific characteristics, to all social groups, configured as a right for the entire population.
Architecture in the economic recovery of the sector.
The architect’s professional activity is the core sector and coordinator of all its agents. That mime reason, only the leadership of the Architects, placing them at the forefront of recovery, find valid solutions to overcome the crisis and at the same time, innovative, sustainable and committed to the values of protecting the quality and Architecture Competitions general.Los interest.
They are the cornerstone of public policy in the field of architecture and are an essential tool for recruitment and access to professional services. Therefore, we advocate an improvement of administrative regulation
The recognition of the technical component of the formation of Spanish architect.
The Architect’s academic background includes what is known as “soul polytechnic”, one of the components of our two-faced profile. This specificity must be claimed by the Spanish architect, emphasized to the national and foreign institutions.
National Museum of Architecture and Urbanism.
A network of institutions in which they are located, identified and inventoried the largest number of files in public or private institutions located in Spain to retain documentation about the practice of architecture, urbanism and construction engineering.
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