20 June 2012

Failure of Competition for the new market of La Laguna

Once held the opening ceremony of the envelopes of identifying the winning entries and honorable mentions of the “International Competition of Architectural Jury with intervention for Reconstruction Market La Laguna”, listed below them:

1 st prize: placed (Authors: Carlos Pacheco and Luxán Anton Peralta Almudena Quintana)
2nd prize: ORIGIN (Author: Jorge Antonio Ruiz Boluda)

3rd prize: Hanged (Authors: Simon Frances Martinez and Arturo Rodriguez Alberquilla)

Accesit: citty (Authors: Ignacio Fernandez-Miranda Senra and Elisa Sequeros Monsoon)

Accesit: KAPLAN (Author: P MAS S.L.P. ODI)



Access to all proposals submitted