30 July 2012 Redacción y fotografía: arquitecturapfc.es

Free Library of Theses

www.arquitecturapfc.es is a free library of Theses, which houses different types of projects that have sent students to participate in this exciting initiative.

As described by its creator:

“Architecture is a line Magazine PFC on Final Year Projects of Architecture, the discipline that brings so many headaches as many students.

Used to exchange notes, public exhibitions of projects, group work and put together, all of a sudden the future architect is before Noon. A statement and a blank paper, is a tough time during which, despite the help of the tutor, the uncertainties are many. Since its inception in October 2010, try to get in touch ArquitecturaPFC, facilitaros much documentation as possible and especially to promote yourself you exchange information, experiences and opinions.

Our second commitment is that the work that many hours, sacrifice and talent will not remain contained in the folder moth-eaten, or rather, forgotten in this HD backup, when you are a brand new Architects will be happy to bring out your project in our library. Share your work, let your colleagues to see, learn, yes, perhaps to copy.

In short, of all we each best architects. “