17 April 2012 Sanyam Bahga (Sanyambahga)
1887-2012. 125 years of the birth of Le Corbusier
In 2012 met 125 years of the birth of Le Corbusier (Switzerland, 1887 – France, 1965), one of the most influential architects of the s. XX along with Mies van der Rohe, Alvar Aalto and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Among his most representative works are the Villa Savoye (Poissy, Paris. 1929), the Unité d’Habitation (Marsella. 1952), the Swiss Pavilion (Paris, 1931) or the chapel of Notre Dame du Haut (Ronchamp. 1955).
In addition to architect and painter, was a great theoretician of architecture. Known for its definition of housing as a machine for living, in 1920 founded the journal L’Esprit Nouveau. He is also author of the Modulor (a system of measures based on human proportions) and The Five Points of a New Architecture: stilts, roof gardens, open-plan, free-floating facade and horizontal window.